Monday, June 21, 2010

My Darling little Averie and some family updates

Averie flying her new kite. Perfect timing for the wind to come
Danton's work had LuauMadness at work last weekend and he brought home some goodies for Averie.
Averie and her flamingo
Isn't she lovely!!

My two little cuties.

Family Update.
Danton- He is busy studying away and is loving every mintute. He also went back to his previous job and is going to be working in Boulder. He will probably start there in a few weeks. We enjoyed a great Father's Day yesterday. First was church and then we took him to lunch and enjoyed some good quality family time.
Averie- She has been enjoying the pool and is getting her groove back very nicely. She meets a new friend everyday. Today she started her summer Ballet class. She is doing a Swan Lake Ballet class. She did such a great job and the teacher's love her.
Mr. Lincoln- What a delight he is. He is not often interested in toys he is interested in climbing everything. He makes so many noises and he loves to giggle and play chase around the house. He is also getting his two bottom teeth.
Rebecca- I don't really have anything new to report. I am just enjoying the pool and park time with the kiddos. I enjoy the time that I get with Danton. It isn't quantity right now but it quality.
Have a good week everyone. Can't believe it is almost July. Mr. Lincoln will be 1 before we know it )=. Time goes by so quickly so enjoy every minute.