Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Averie and the KG Update

Wow this school year has already been filled with adventure and we aren't even a month in!!! If you have been reading we have been experiencing some stuff with her teacher. The debate was to just ride it out because it is only KG, work on switching classes, or just wait until Teacher Meetings.
Here is how everything fell. She is starting afternoon KG tomorrow with a new teacher. Averie has had her a couple of days as a sub when her teacher was gone. She responded so well to her then that that is why I tried to get her in that class.
Averie does not do well with sudden change and had a hard time when I told her about it. She was sad about not seeing her friends everyday. She knows she will make new ones and I think overall she is excited.
I will keep you posted about the first day... Oh our school adventures have just begun and just think I only have 18 more years of kiddo school to go!!!