Monday, September 13, 2010

What's New?

Mr. Lincoln is now 10 months old. He is cruising around the house on his two little feet and he loves to check out all the new things in his world. One if his favorites is the fridge. (He is his father's son!!!) When the door opens he comes quick. Today this was on his schedule...

"I am just going to fix myself a little snack"

"I am going to need a little bit of that..."

"Darn, I am going to need that all the way in the back"

"Ah that was a great snack if I do say so myself"

A brief recap. My good friend Angela is needing to go back to work and I am watching her two little kiddos Morgan (5) and Brady (2). Angela's neighbor Lynne who is like a mom to her got 4 tickets to a Tea Party. So we each took our little girls and enjoyed some tea!!! Many of the ladies were very dressed up, we took note and next year will be ready to go!! Averie was SOO excited to go and thought the ladies were so pretty in there dresses. When it came to the food, she was not SOOO excited. She informed me that it was gross and that she just wanted the tea. Although she and Morgan did manage to show up when the dessert was served... Silly girls... Here are some pictures from the day

Mommy and Averie pre Tea

She LOVED the Sparkly Cup, espeically since the lady told her they were Magic Sparkles!!

She had so much fun

Putting her napkin on her lap

Miss Averie and Miss Morgan