Thursday, September 9, 2010

Good News

We have some good news to share.... no we are not pregnant!!!

Danton took his Nationional EMT Certification yesterday and we got the news that he passed and is now a Nationally Certified. Now we just finish several classes over the next year and then he will start Paramedic school next fall.

Secondly, Averie had a great first day in her new class. The teacher said she was nervous a few times about how they did things and she mentioned she missed her friends but overall she did great. Her teacher was so great. She let Averie be the line leader during the day and she also earned herself two tickets, if she gets five in a week she gets to get a treasure from the treasure chest. We have told her that if she gets a treasure from school we will match it. Also the teacher sends home a daily report folder that tells how Averie does that day. This is already better than it was. Yeah!!! Also when I asked Averie what her favorite part of the day she didn't say recess she actually picked something from the day. What an answer to prayer.

Well off to the day. Just when I figured out a schedule for all the kids I am now having to redo that. I am sure it won't take long but here we go...

Enjoy your week everyone.