Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hello All

Wow what a week here.

We knew my dad was going to go to Iowa this week because Grandpa was a having a pretty major surgery. His plan was to leave on Monday morning. On Sunday afternoon we got a call from my brother in Oklahoma and my sister-in-law was having some severe stomach pains we found out she needed to get her appendix out. So my mom was on a plane out to Oklahoma on Monday to help her out this week. I am glad to report both surgeries went well and and they are both doing well. And my parents should be home on Monday.

As for us

Rebecca~ I am getting better adjusted to watching the extra kids in the house. Getting used to Danton's new school schedule oh and Kindergarten. I am still having some teacher issues and I am hoping to make more head way that this week.
Danton~ He is now underway with school again. Currently he is taking and IV course and a Biology course. The Biology is going to be VERY time consuming and we are just praying to get it over with and to just pass. The new work project is also very demanding. He is putting in a lot of hours and doing a good job turning it around. Just pray for sanity on the crazy days in work and school, which are most of them!!!
Averie~ School. Like I have mentioned we are having a hard time with the teacher. Averie doesn't really complain but she asks me if she can stay home because she doesn't want to go. And if you know Averie that is very unlike her. She is such a bright and talented little girl. Pray we get something figured out this week.
Lincoln~ He is really devloping a fun personality. He has now added the word BALL to his vocabulary. He loves peaches, but who doesn't!!! He loves to give kisses. He has 5 teeth. He is becoming a little mischevious. He is a walking machine and that is now his method of trasportation. Last weekend we decided to get a Noise Machine for his room. It is seeming to help some. Yeah!!! Also he has had one of his best sleeping weeks this past week. For the most part he only got up to eat. Huge improvement.

Danton and I had our 10th wedding anniversary on Friday. We actually went to some friends and all the kids played while we had icecream and coffee. It was a lot of fun. Danton is working today but will have Sunday and Monday off. We are planning on going to Estes Park for the day tomorrow. Lincoln's first time!!! And on Monday we will probably just enjoy a good family day. I am loving the feel of fall in the air. Danton and I enjoy this season the most. What a beautiful time. Speaking of that. We are going to get some family pictures done in October. They will be of the family and the kids together and idividually. If anyone is wanting a picture please let me know. It will probably be $3-5.00 a picture depending on the size. I am planning outdoor fall pictures.